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Sunday, April 22, 2012


                                 I see swamphen every time i visit in front of hide number two.

                      Male Cape Shoveler
 Female Cape Shoveler
 Cape Wagtail
                                                                                                                              Common Myna
 Lesser Swamp Warbler
  Reed Cormorant enjoying a frog breakfast.
 This time of year Spur Winged Geese abound at the sanctuary and will provide a lot of good photo op's

  White Faced Duck
Winter here is always quite but will give good sightings of the more common birds.The areas in front of hide two,three and four have been cleared and the one perch in front of hide number three has been moved giving good morning lighting.Did not spend much time here today given I only arrived at 08.00 am and it was pretty busy.The dam in front of Hide number three is completely covered in green seed but there are huge numbers of coot, Egyptian geese,white faced duck,ibis,spur winged geese,little grebe and yellow billed duck giving much photo action but nothing else.Hide number two is the most productive from a pure birding point of view, given that the hide is right next to the shallows and the weeds have been cleared, close up views of swamphen, african rail,plovers and warbler are possible in the winter and the summer will produce sandpiper,swallow,little bittern and many more. Saturday produced some nice sightings.